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Serra's 2nd year Mother's day gift

Our daughter Serra celebrates Mother's Day for the second time this year.
 For this reason, I've wanted to prepare a special gift for her mother.

I created a photobook of Serra with memories from the pregnancy process and dating back to today.

Sinem and Serra were given priority in the photographs.
 I also added the words, quotes she said to her mother and the memories, under each photo.

The birth process that started at Ege University, dinner at Layla in Urla, which we celebrated after receiving the news of the gender, are some of the memories living in the photographs.

It was a private collection of private photos taken in Çeşme, Karaburun, Sığacık, Graz, Salzburg, Vienna, Hallstatt, Ephesus, Şirince and a few more places.

Our dear daughter is 1.5 years old now, seeing her happy like this is worth the worlds ...

My dear love, Sinem, happy mother's day to you.

 Allah has taught us more than we have experienced in this way. He lit a beauty (cemal) light on every road that seemed difficult.
 Fortunately, such a daughter entrusted us.

we are so Thankful...


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