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ne güzeldi o akşam saatlerinde, henüz hava tam kararmamışken, bacalardan tüten dumanların isiyle, sokaklardan gelen uzak boğuk ortam sesleri... anneannem namazını kılardı, sessizce fısıldadığı duaların tonu, rükuya varırken eklemlerinde çıkan tıkırdamalar, sobanın üst kapağından tavana yansıyan ateşin ışığı, tiktak tiktak; salondaki saatin sessizliği. galiba ben o günleri çok özledim.   


I am at an important point during my visit to Dresden: Deutsches Hygiene-Museum, the German Hygiene Museum ...

This museum, which was founded in 1912, was originally founded to increase the social cleaning awareness supported by a German business man selling cleaning products and indirectly to increase the demand for his own products. This person named Karl August Lingner was also the founder of the International Hygiene Fair in 1911.

The German Hygiene Museum, which is currently visited by 280,000 people a year, had once entered into a periodthat exalts the racist propaganda, exalting the yellow race during the Nazi Germany period. Bad to say this museum, which served science, where real human fragments , the parts of children, infant fetuses, and pregnant women who were slaughtered in concentration camps were exhibited, but became inhuman. As a result of the heavy bombardments made to Dresden just before the defeat of Nazi Germany, many sections where these works of the museum were exhibited were destroyed.
  Well, Damn  ...

Remains, posters or objects from propaganda materials are still on display in a corner of today's museum, but photography is not allowed. During the cold war, the museum has acquired a purpose related to the desire to return to its former state and how to ensure social hygiene. As you can understand, they stopped thinking about how to clean and eliminate Jews from the community for the benefit of society, and instead they talked about how to clean and eliminate viruses. 

45,000 pieces  are exhibited in the museum and the pedagogical nature of many exhibition materials shows us that this place is not only a simple museum but also a training center. Known it trains children visually and aurally in many subjects such as human anatomy, physical health, psychology and spiritual energy.
How nice is it, the efficiency of applied training has always been high. It prevents the lowering of the threshold of interest in the lessons and leaves a permanent effect on the opposite side. Discipline means not shouting at this point, but what measures to take and ways to keep productivity at the highest level.

By giving scientific articles and practical trainings about how social hygiene rules should be in the cold war period, the awareness of cleaning was instilled in the children. In applied trainings, many books, articles and short films were shot and the society was aimed to be conscious. In addition, many educational programs have been created on how to protect against infectious diseases. It is also surprising to shoot materials, documentary informative short films about how to protect gay people against infectious diseases such as HIV and AIDS. I think it is interesting that especially in a closed society (I'm talking about East Germany) living under a communist influence, accepting homosexuality short films that did not push homosexuality out of the society, and encouraged them to shoot. There is a movie about: Die Andere Liebe, English Meaning: Other Love and it is about homosexuality. The movie also got financed by this museum.
The Heathens they are  :)

In societies that reconcile with it, it becomes an order that protects their personal rights and freedoms. Regardless of the exceptional circumstances, apart from the individual events experienced, if the chemistry of human rights has not been in the monopoly of a group, group or a party since then, everyone will be happy and free in that society. Of course, freedom is not usurping or hurt others' rights. However, just as people want to live, they should live asexual, homosexual or with a different formation. At this point, although I thought I was modern, I could not stand out from my eastern identity, I guess, I was still at the head of a table where the types of relationships I was shocked were exhibited and selected.

The offspring is also around, learning falcons ...

When we think about it, it is a strange thing, but when you read it without exaggerating it, one really gets informed.

Here, the diversity classification of communal relationship types, as well as hetero relationship types, is explained. Of course, they don't do it to surprise people, make fun or make them say. When children become adults in the future, they teach their partners or partners to learn about the risks of future illnesses and take precautions accordingly. According to some in Eastern societies, it may sound immoral, but the unconscious sexuality in eastern societies darkens the lives of many child brides, people, women, and homosexuals. Because societies like us tend to experience sexuality as a taboo and deviate from wrong paths due to lack or lack of the right resources.
For example, the biggest problem of our country is the early marriage of girls, the issue of virginity and child abuse, etc.

By the way, of course, there are not only sexual issues in education programs. Resources are also available on many topics such as breastfeeding, babies, childcare and child rearing. While we are acting with a little more spiritual knowledge in the eastern societies, western societies deal with such issues academically and transfer information to people in the light of scientific knowledge. However, it should not be forgotten that every scientific information is shaped according to the conditions of that day, therefore it may sometimes be insufficient or even incorrect, and that the spiritual information will be more valid in different periods and situations. For example, they produced a method called Ferber method. The idea of ​​not leaving the baby in her cradle, turning off the light of the room, not cuddling her even though the child cries and waiting until she sleeps. poor babies have been subjected to torture at a time. Later, after the fact that many experts proved that waiting for the child to cry like crying in a cell would leave him in a cell, the child would subconsciously create deep psychological wounds, and his parents would listen to their mother's words: babies kiss and kiss. began to be put to sleep with lullabies, smell, smell, swing on the lap-standing. Of course, giving this example does not mean that all of the traditional counsel is true.

The German Hygiene Museum is waiting for you, where you can spend an enjoyable minimum of 2 hours alongside the open air during your Dresden trip. In fact, there are many topics in the museum. Especially in the propaganda section, where the photo shoot is forbidden, the stories don't end ...
 The museum has been closed for a while now due to Corona, but will be opened to visitors again soon. Who knows, the hygiene issue has gained importance again with the virus recently, we may have more to learn from this museum.
 Have a nice trip...

The photos belong to me. Do not use without permission. Various sites and articles were used for the text.
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