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ne güzeldi

ne güzeldi o akşam saatlerinde, henüz hava tam kararmamışken, bacalardan tüten dumanların isiyle, sokaklardan gelen uzak boğuk ortam sesleri... anneannem namazını kılardı, sessizce fısıldadığı duaların tonu, rükuya varırken eklemlerinde çıkan tıkırdamalar, sobanın üst kapağından tavana yansıyan ateşin ışığı, tiktak tiktak; salondaki saatin sessizliği. galiba ben o günleri çok özledim.   


The only thing we cannot bear in life are those made for our children, whether human or animal ... 

We,parents, struggle, fight and fight against any bad thing to prevent them from harming them. 

 The conscience, who points out that it would not harm even a mosquito, was how it exploded an elephant in its belly with a dynamite. 
 and what did you get then?  What you felt? Enjoyed? Or satisfied? 

what happened to your conscience? To us? To you?

This is not just a question of apology, to an elephant that would never understand you even if it lived.

It's a matter of conscience.  Conscience is a matter of conscience.

it's a matter of being human.

I have seen that there have been many peoole on their social media accounts sent apologies for an elephant and baby that died after this cruel incident.  I think you should apologize to the humanity.  

The elephant and its young had never had any place in this cruel world of you at all.


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