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Şu sıralar çok popüler / now very popular

ne güzeldi

ne güzeldi o akşam saatlerinde, henüz hava tam kararmamışken, bacalardan tüten dumanların isiyle, sokaklardan gelen uzak boğuk ortam sesleri... anneannem namazını kılardı, sessizce fısıldadığı duaların tonu, rükuya varırken eklemlerinde çıkan tıkırdamalar, sobanın üst kapağından tavana yansıyan ateşin ışığı, tiktak tiktak; salondaki saatin sessizliği. galiba ben o günleri çok özledim.   

It's nice to work, it's hard to work with people ...


And he has to work in the struggle to survive. The right job, the right labor, the right time and the right place to work have always been an important element. In this process, he always learns to fight, to struggle with difficulties, to accept defeat when necessary, to love his mistakes. After all, is believing in the superiority of justice in a sense fair? Is "being fair", which characterizes the adjective meaning of justice, actually contrary to the principle that "everyone should be equal"? Doing a joint business with a second person in a business organization other than yourself; how equitable and / or fair should institutionalize?

Here are the difficulties starting at this point. We are talking about fairness and justice in a work order that we have created, while with minimal reason, we have not yet determined the justice and articles of fair life that have not been named. We're talking about it all the time, but we can't find any results. Or have these two definitions been half bro since time immemorial?

The mind in the world cannot solve this because ...

At every point, lessons come from spiritual mind. However, we cannot comprehend what is for what, unless we have completed the lessons. That's when the real problems begin ...


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