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ne güzeldi

ne güzeldi o akşam saatlerinde, henüz hava tam kararmamışken, bacalardan tüten dumanların isiyle, sokaklardan gelen uzak boğuk ortam sesleri... anneannem namazını kılardı, sessizce fısıldadığı duaların tonu, rükuya varırken eklemlerinde çıkan tıkırdamalar, sobanın üst kapağından tavana yansıyan ateşin ışığı, tiktak tiktak; salondaki saatin sessizliği. galiba ben o günleri çok özledim.   


For Dresden, the term "jewelry box" is used. This was because the city architecture was shaped by Baroque and Rococo. However, they destroyed this beautiful city during Nazi Germany (Americans and other allied armies).

At the same time, 25000 people died during this bombardment. The majority of those who died were German women and their children. Their wives were soldiers on the east front.

Dresden has become the cradle of civilization throughout its history.
This city, where trade and art are at the forefront, is also an ideological icon city with its opposition within itself, as well as its right-wing and racist views.

In the city, which has recently become the epicenter of strong right-wing groups such as AfD, the far-right and racist group called PEGIDA organizes demonstrations every week.

These racist rhetoric and movements that once belonged to Jews have now turned into anti-Islam. Racist struggle is growing every day in this city ...

Pegida's racist and hateful rhetoric and meetings reached their peak in 2014. However, due to the increase in physical violence and deaths to immigrants over the years, it has reacted, losing public support and losing its power.

The xenophobia, which is tried to be evacuated and kept alive in the city, is tried to be alleviated by the initiatives of pluralist policies. Still, the issue of foreignness in Dresden is a subject that should be handled at length. The history of the city is full of bad experiences on political, military and racism ...

The river Elbe, which surrounds the city, brings life to Dresden. In fact, according to some, this is Germany's Florentine ...

This term has been used for many years. It has gained extra importance nowadays. Dresden, which is very familiar with concepts such as racism, PEGIDA actions and xenophobia, wants to go the way of Florence to get rid of these dark concepts about a sense. But even though I have seen Florence several times, Dresden and Florence? I can not get myself out of saying.

Or is the city's history still filled with the traces of immigrants who were killed, abused, beaten?
  Let's investigate a little bit what is "Nazi Emergency".

Or would you like to attend the festival called Right Wing?

I want to say that Dresden is in a struggle on a different branch, by getting rid of the chronic racist spirit of Dresden and referring to the beauty in the photographs.

This struggle is not a struggle that will strengthen the Islamic counterparts or offend Muslims in Dresden.

To prove that the city was the cradle of the civilizations of Eastern Europe, like a Helen, a Roman civilization ...

Isn't this struggle more humane than others, is it?

In fact, they are not very unfair about this. In recent researches and excavations, I have found that more than 150 temples built between 4800 BC and 4600 BC are in this region. Judging by the dates, the situation is very ambitious: these temples are even older than the Egyptian pyramids.

Many archaeological excavations continue in the region and it is understood that most of the structures are temples made of soil and wood.
It is thought that the first agricultural and livestock practices were in this region.

The first traces of settled life in Europe are estimated in this region. As the excavations are new, we do not have clear data yet on which civilization it belongs to.

By the way, Dresden is a very developed city in terms of infrastructure. Where to stay, where to eat, you can learn them from other youtuber friends.

(Various sources have been used for the article. Photos belong to Volkan Coşğun.)


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