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The importance of Trondheim in World War II and Norway under Occupation

Located in the central part of Norway, Trondheim was a strategically important city for the Germans during the World War II. At the beginning of the war, Norway wanted to have a neutral policy. However, both Nazi Germany and allied forces never left Norway alone because they thought strategically.

Norwegian North Sea Line
Norwegian North Sea Line

On April 8, 1940, German warships anchored in the port of Trondheim. About 17,000 German soldiers surrounded the city. The siege was built by the famous cruisers of the Germans "Hipper". Hipper Cruiser was the best of the 5 ships in its class.

The city of about 65,000 people, the flow of life in Trondheim changed suddenly with the siege. The residents of the city closed their homes, did not open their shops. Nobody was going out on the street.

Meanwhile, the importance of Trondheim for Nazi Germany was to prevent the passage of ships from Murmansk, the strategic port city of the Russians in the north sea. In the event of any attack on the North Sea, the Germans began using Trondheim, which opened to northern Norway, as a shield city. The siege of Norway meant, on the other hand, to prevent the French and Britons from dominating the region. There were also rich iron ores in occupied Sweden. Iron was the main source for fighter jets, warships, artillery and various equipment. It would be easier to reach them through Norway.


In the occupied Norway, singing the Norwegian National Anthem and waving the Norwegian flag was strictly prohibited. Many people who opposed the occupation by acting with their national feelings were sentenced to death. The Akershus fortress that I wrote during my visit to Oslo became a point of execution and countless tortures.
Flag of Norway

The German occupation began to be felt intensely in the city. Everything from disguise to clothing, even toys, were taken with special permission and rationing. Everything, including the most basic needs in food, was distributed to the public by rationing.


As the siege of the German forces in Trondheim continued, several brave Norwegians held secret meetings for the resistance movement, hoping for increased participation in the resistance movement with their closed circuit radio station. They gathered secretly every Monday with the meetings they called "Monday Club", preparing the basis for the resistance movement.

Norwegians living in peace and tranquility witnessed blackout days. The days spent with the fear of bombing made the food distributed by rationing made life difficult. The homes, fields, stables and animals of Norwegians living in rural areas were confiscated and forced to migrate to large cities.

May 8, 1945 is the date when Norway gained independence. During the Nazi German invasion, nearly 50,000 Norwegians were declared traitors because they supported the Germans. There was even a political party during the occupation period, supporting the Nazis: National Samling.

Norway, whose cities, villages were burned down, natural resources plundered, and innocent people were slaughtered, entered a period of restructuring after the war and regained its peaceful and peaceful life in the old times.
Trondheim Today

Western countries that took lessons from the war in those years, but still carry on with the same massacres on other sides that the world forgot. Many countries in the Middle East and Africa are still going through difficult times under the plays of western imperialist powers. The brutality and imbalance of the world continues all the time. I always say that the period of ignorance still continues.



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